Wednesday, 14 December 2016


If you are getting the error as ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED while accessing the domain then add the below extension in php.ini 
zlib.output_compression = On
Then restart the httpd. This should resolve the issue. 

Increase file upload size in wordpress multisite

In order to increase the file upload size in wordpress multi site please follow the below steps:
  1. Login to wordpress dashboard
  2. Click on Network Admin 
  3. Go to settings 
  4. Scroll down to Upload Settings at the bottom of the page. 
  5. Enter the desired value and click on Save. 

SEO tool issue in cPanel

If you are getting the below error in cPanel > SEO Tools
The system experienced a problem when it attempted to serve the requested page.
Login to server 
Then follow the below steps to resolve the issue : 

Edit the File:/usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/attracta/
vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/attracta/
Add the below code after "use CGI" line
use Cpanel                                    ();

This should resolve the issue. 

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Post Date is showing as Undefined in custom templates of blogger

You are getting the error as "Undefined" for the "post date" in blogger template:

To resolve this error please follow the below steps:

Login to your blogger account
Go to Settings
Click on Language and formatting
Select the Timestamp Format as Sunday, December 11, 2016
Click on Save settings

This should resolve the error.

The domain already exists in the apache config file

Unable to add addon domain in cPanel getting the error as “The domain already exists in the apache config file”

Solution: Please remove the domain entries from below files manually from server.


grep /etc/localdomains

grep /etc/userdomains

grep /etc/trueuserdomains

vi /var/cpanel/userdata/cpanelusername/main

grep /var/cpanel/userdata/cpanelusername/main.cache

grep /var/cpanel/users/cpanelusername

vi /var/cpanel/userdata/cPanelusername/main.cache

grep /etc/named.conf

vi /etc/localdomains //remove the domain entry

vi /etc/userdomains

grep /etc/trueuserowners

grep /var/cpanel/userdata/cPanelusername/main

Unable to login to joomla admin panel

After doing lot of research one of the solution which I found has worked for me and I would like to share the same with people in need. 

Check if upload_tmp_dir path is configured in php.ini. You can check by creating phpinfo.php file and add the below code in the phpinfo.php<?phpphpinfo();?>Then access the file as it is not mentioned then open the configuration.php file of joomla, check which path is mentioned in "public $tmp_path" and add the same path in php.ini file. If php.ini file is not present then create one in /home/user/public_html/

Bot consuming high bandwidth and memory

Bad bots may be from google bot or any other bad bots. To reduce the same first you need to find which bot is affecting the bandwidth and memory. 

Find the log from below command: 
sudo grep "05/Nov/2015:0[1-2]" /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ulifeqxj/ | grep -i "googlebot" | wc -l
sudo grep "05/Nov/2015:0[1-2]" /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ulifeqxj/ | grep -i "bot" | wc -l

Once you found which bot is causing the issue, you can block it by adding rule in .htaccess. 

Htaccess rule for bad bots:

Follow the steps of below link to reduce google bots:

Icon Images are missing in website

Problem :
While browsing the domain showing the webpage with icon missing. It is working fine with primary domain link. Ex:

Check the config.php file for any wrong update of home URL. Change it to domain name. This will fix the issue. 

Unable to install plugin in wordpress dashboard

While installing the plugin getting the below error:
Could not create directory.

Solution: Check if the plugins folder is present in /public_html/wp-content/

MP4 video is not playing - IIS/Plesk

You have to add the MIME Type to resolve this issue. You can add the MIME type in Virtual Directories > MIME Types or in web.config file. 
For Web.Config file you need to add below section in configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <mimeMap fileExtension=".mp4" mimeType="video/mp4" />

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Checking log for hacked site

Hacked info will be present in the domlog. Get the path of the domlog for the domain from httpd.conf file.
sudo grep user /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf

Grepping the hacked log :
sudo grep /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ | grep 03/Jun/2016 | grep POST

Grepping the IPs:
sudo grep /usr/local/apache/domlogs/ | grep 03/Jun/2016 | grep POST | awk '{print $1}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

You can check the location of the IP by going to

You can block the IP by going to cPanel > IP deny manager

Subscription is not synced with the service plan in windows plesk panel

Please follow the below steps to sync the plan:

Login to Plesk

Click on subscriptions


Adjust the resources as per the available resource and save the plan.


If you are getting the error as ERR_CONTENT_DECODING_FAILED while accessing the domain then add the below extension in php.ini  ++++++++...